

We are constantly overwhelmed at the amazing generosity of our beautiful Te Puke community from the individuals and families who drop in groceries, meat, clothing, furniture and produce, to the business community and funding organisations who so generously put their trust in us and the mission we are trying to achieve.

Ways you
can help…

Financial Contributions

Kai me ngā rauemi

We gratefully receive financial contributions. You can donate either by the form below or directly to our bank account. We also have a koha box inside our building where you can donate and receive a receipt if required.

Online donations:
Empowerment NZ Charitable Trust
ANZ 06-0433-0544927-00

Food & Resources

Kai me ngā rauemi

We accept donations of food, fresh produce and also non-perishable items. These can be dropped to our foodbank at The Hub. Many businesses do a large collection and drop off in bulk whereas other individuals make regular smaller donations. We update our specific needs weekly on our Facebook page.



Volunteers are vital to our on-going success. Do you have a skill that could benefit us? If so, we’d love to hear from you. We offer a rewarding environment and celebrate our time together on a weekly basis at our whanau lunches.

To join our amazing volunteer team please either visit, phone or emails us.


A donation is a gift given to EmpowermentNZ for the charitable purposes we have set out to achieve.

We will provide you with a tax receipt at financial year-end (March 31) for you to claim your 33.33% tax refund. Remember to provide us with your details so we can send you a receipt. All donations make a difference.

Use the form below to donate to EmpowermentNZ via secure credit card.

All donations big or small, one-off or recurring make a huge difference in the lives of those in need in Te Puke. We are a New Zealand Registered Charity (CC53812). All donations are eligible for NZ tax refunds.